Thursday, January 13, 2011 Newsletter...

The link below is for this week's Newsletter.  It has some good workouts, as well as links to other races/etc that you may be interested in.  Check it out!

I did the treadmill hill workout (Workout #1) this morning.  It was a rough one...much tougher than I expected.

I hope this finds everyone well.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Donation Website Up!


Attached is the online donation page for the Team. This provides a secure, efficient and central location for donations to the team. It will be up and functional until October 2011.

The team is listed by name on the upper right-hand corner. Let me know if this causes any concerns.  This website will be available for use by anyone who wants to raise funds for Team RWB.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year...

Happy New Year!  I hope that the first few days of the new year have been great.  Because this is the beginning of the year when we will be running the relay, I am planning to put up information much more consistently.

Please keep checking back for more information.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

In an attempt to keep from replacing my 3 year old Garmin ForeRunner 201, I've been looking for a way to keep track of my runs (time/distance/etc) online.  In a recommendation from Gene, I checked out  It's a great program that I highly recommend.  Highlights:

1) Free membership
2) Able to use satellite imagery to "map" routes
3) Program provides distance, allowing me to use my stopwatch
4) Has a great workout log that allows tracking more than runs
5) An app uses the GPS in your phone to put together maps of your runs (much quicker than building it yourself).  If you are like me and don't like to have your phone track you, you can turn the feature on and off.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and is enjoying the holidays.


Monday, November 1, 2010

More Training Tips...not tested, just found

Some training information.  I will keep looking for websites with training information.  If anyone has a site or training plan they have used, please let me know.  As of now, I'm going to be focusing on the first 3 sites for myself.  I'll provide critiques as I go...if anyone is interested.

Though we are only running 5-7 miles at a time, the altitude and time of day (everyone should plan on running in the middle of the night) will make it much tougher.  I would recommend that everyone trains at much longer distances, making the 3 legs of the relay much easier.


Marathon a good site, specifically at the bottom of the home page.  The distance recommendations, as well as training times, make sense.

Run the Planet: some good recommendations, specifically on distance increase (b/w 5-10% per week).  Good all around information about running distance.

Time To Run: 6 Building Blocks of Long Distance Running

Distance Running Tips: A series of articles on distance running and common issues put together by two long-time runners Info: Focused mainly on marathon training, though the long-distance concepts apply. is a search engine, so it has many links.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

WWR Videos from Past Years

I have never run, or seen, any sort of long distance relay.  My curiosity, and a distinct lack of motivation to write an environmental chemistry paper, got the best of me.  I hit YouTube and found the following videos put together by teams from previous years (mainly 2009).  Anyway, I've put in some comments for places in each video that I thought were interesting.  Notice how much fun everyone seems to be having...and enjoy.


Phillip's Phools '09. 0:22 - 2:00: some good shots of the start, 6:00 - 6:33: description of sleeping conditions, 8:25: some crazy dude running, 9:00 - 9:26: good description of the end of the race.

Kit Carson Cruisers '09.  About 4:00 into the video you see how cold it is at night up there. 4:40 shows how we are going to be sleeping.  The last 10 seconds are pretty good, as well.

Wyoming Wild Women '09. 1:39-2:00 shows some of the unexpected weather (heavy rain and maybe some hail, judging by the welts on the runner)

Shut it Down and Adapt & Overcome '09. 5:55: shows how cold the morning is.  Some pretty cool views...and they show why we need vans, not open air trucks.

Club Ed '09. 2:09 - 2:17: Check out the skull on the hood and the decorations on the side. 3:05: shows what else will be on the road during the run.  5:10: more sleeping conditions pics.  Indoor, this time.  5:40: outdoor sleeping conditions and more van decor.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Interesting Articles on Training from ChiRunning (Let me know if you can't access them)

Interesting Articles from ChiRunning (that you can hopefully access.  Please let me know if you can't).  This is not an endorsement of any website, running form or lifestyle.  I did a 1-day training event with them and receive their monthly newsletter.  This is some information that I know I can benefit from and wanted to share.  Please enjoy.


10 Most Common Race Mistakes in a Distance Running Event

Should I Monitor My Heart Rate While Training?

Born to Run…But Have We Forgotten How?

Running an Event? Get Focused

The Joy of Running

Route Map and Elevation Profile

Route Map and Elevation Profile
Vans are broken down by color; legs by shades. Start planning/scheming now. Click for link to official leg maps.